
How Many Bricks Are Needed for your House? Calculate Number of Bricks

You want to know how many bricks are needed to build a house. You can simply learn brick calculation. Estimating how many bricks will be required for a planned wall.

UK Standard brick size in metric 215 x 102.5 x 65mm

The mortar joints used are normally about 10mm both horizontally and vertically.

How Many Bricks Are Needed for a House?

There are a few considerations you must consider:

  • Thickness of the wall to be built
  • Amount of openings (doors, windows)
  • Amount of detail in the wall ie: Decorative panels, Ventilation or Dogtooth String Courses

Bricks for Single Skin Wall – brick calculator

A single skin wall requires 60 bricks per square metre. You can allow about 10% wastage, this can be due to transport or just moving the bricks around your project.

Bricks for Single Skin Wall

The total number of bricks for the wall is:

Wall height (metres) x wall length (metres) x 60 = number of bricks + 10% wastage

For example, If you want to build 2 metres height wall with 10 metres wall length.


=1200 bricks+10% wastage

=1320 bricks you needed for build this wall


Bricks for Double Skin Wall – brick calculator

If you are looking to construct wall using Double Skin method, for this type wall requires 120 bricks per square metre.

Wall height (metres) x wall length (metres) x 120 = number of bricks + 10% wastage

Double Brick Skin Wall

For example, If you want to build 2 metres height wall with 10 metres wall length.


=2400 bricks+10% wastage

=2640 bricks you needed for build this wall

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