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Commonly Used Abbreviation in Construction Industry

These are common abbreviations use on drawings or in general use in structural engineering, architecture, and construction.
AB air brick
ABR alternate bars reversed (reinforcement)
AC alternating current or air conditioning
ACoP approved code of practice
agg aggregate
AIStructE Associate of the Institution of Structural Engineers
ALT alternate, alternately (reinforcement)
alum. aluminium
AMIStructE Associate Member of the Institution of Structural Engineers
AMICE Associate Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers
arch. architect
asp. asphalt
attchd attached
av. average
bal baluster
BBA British Board of Agrément
BCA British Cement Association
BCO building control officer
BCSA British Constructional Steelwork Association
BCWS boosted cold water service (services)
bd. bond/board/bead
bdg boarding
BH bore hole or beam height (survey)
BHWS boosted hot water service (services)
BIG back inlet gully
bit. bitumen
bk. brick
BLK blockwork
BM bending moment or bench mark
BOQ bill of quantities
BRW brick retaining wall (survey)
BS British Standard
BSI British Standards Institution
BW brick wall (survey) or builders’ work (services)
BWF barbed wire fence (survey)
BWIC builders’ work in connection with (services)
BWK brickwork
C cill height (survey)
CA contract administrator
CAD computer aided design
CAM computer aided manufacture
CBF close boarded fence (survey)
CBW concrete block wall (survey)
CC centre to centre
CDM Construction (Design and Management) Regulations
CE conformité européene
CEng chartered engineer
CGI corrugated galvanized iron
CH ceiling height
CHS circular hollow section
CI cast iron
CIF corrugated iron fence (survey)
CJ construction joint
CL cover level or centre line
CLF chain link fence (survey)
CP code of practice
CPF concrete panel fence (survey)
CPS concrete paving slabs (survey)
CR crown height of arch (survey)
CRS centres
CRW concrete retaining wall (survey)
CS Concrete Society
CV commissioning valve (services)
CW concrete wall (survey)
CWS cold water service (services)
CWT hundredweight
D diameter
DC drain cock (services)
DCV double check valve (services)
DHW domestic hot water
DL dead load
DOV drain off valve (services)
DP down pipe
DPC damp-proof course
DPDT double pole double throw switch (electrical)
DPM damp-proof membrane
DPST double pole single throw switch (electrical)
DRG drawing
DS District Surveyor
DSSO double switched socket outlet (electrical)
ECB electricity control box
ECUK Engineering Council United Kingdom
EL existing level
EngTech engineering technician
EPP expanded polypropylene or environmentally preferred product
ERV expansion relief valve (services)
FB flower bed (survey) or from below (services)
FBTA from below to above (services)
FC flexible connection (services)
FF far face (reinforcement)
FFL finished floor level
FH fire hydrant (survey)
FICE Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers
FIStructE Fellow of the Institution of Structural Engineers
FL floor level
FoS factor of safety
FS full size or fused spur (electrical)
FSC forest stewardship council (timber)
G gully (survey)
GGBS ground granulated blastfurnace slag
GS general structural (timber)
H or HT window head height (survey)
HAC high alumina cement
HDF high density fibreboard
HL high level
HSFG high strength friction grip (steel connection)
HT high tensile
HWS hot water service (services)
IC inspection cover (survey) or inspection chamber
ICE Institution of Civil Engineers
ID inside diameter
IEng incorporated engineer
IL invert level
INTER intermediate switch (electrical)
IRF iron railing fence (survey)
IStructE Institution of Structural Engineers
IV isolating valve (services)
IWF interwoven fence (survey)
JCB J C Bamford – manufacturer of wheeled excavators
JCT Joint Contracts Tribunal
kg kilogramme
kN kiloNewton
L light (survey)
LA local authority
LL live load
LOLER Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998
LP lamp post (survey)
LSL laminated strand lumber
LSV lockshield valve (services)
m metre
MC mass concrete or moderately conservative
MCW mains cold water (services)
MDF medium density fibreboard
MH manhole
MHSW Management of health and Safety at Work Regulations
MICE Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers
MIStructE Member of the Institution of Structural Engineers
mm millimetre
MMMF man made mineral fibres
MS mild steel
N Newton
NASC National Access and Scaffolding Confederation
NF near face (reinforcement)
NRV non return valve (services)
NTS not to scale
OD outside diameter or Ordnance datum
OH over head
OPC ordinary Portland cement
P post
PALF palisade fence (survey)
PC precast concrete
PCC Portland cement concrete
PF picket fence (survey)
PFA pulverised fuel ash
PFC parallel flange channel
PKT pocket (RC)
PL or PLT plate (steel connection)
PPE personal protective equipment, Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations
PRF post and rail fence (survey)
PWD Permanent Works Designer
PWF post and wire fence (survey)
QS quantity surveyor
R render (survey)
RAD radiator
RC reinforced concrete
RE rodding eye (survey)
RHPC rapid hardening Portland cement
RHS rectangular hollow section
RIBA Royal Institute of British Architects
RICS Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
RMC ready-mixed concrete
RSA rolled steel angle
RSJ rolled steel joist
RWP rain water pipe
SC stop cock
SE structural engineer
SHS square hollow section
SI Systeme Internationale
SL soffite level or sky light or sill level
SOL setting-out line
SOP setting-out point
SP soil pipe (services); arch springer height (survey)
SPDT single pole double throw switch (electrical)
SPS stone paving slabs (survey)
SPST single pole single throw switch (electrical)
SRC sulphate resisting cement
SS stainless steel or simply supported or special structural (timber)
SSL structural slab level
SSSO single switched socket outlet (electrical)
STG staggered (RC)
STR strainer (services)
SV safety valve (services)
SVP soil and vent pipe
SW stone wall (survey)
TA to above (services)
TBM temporary bench mark
TIStructE Technician of the Institution of Structural Engineers
TMICE Technician Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers
TOB top of beam
TOC top of concrete
TOS top of steel
TOW top of wall
TP town planning or trial pit
TPO tree preservation order
TPRV temperature/pressure relief valve (services)
TWC temporary works coordinator
TWS temporary works supervisor
T&G tongued and grooved
UB universal beam
UC universal column
UF urea formaldehyde
UNO unless noted otherwise
U/S underside
UTL unable to lift (survey)
V vent (survey)
VP vent pipe (survey)
W window (survey)
WAHR Work at Height Regulations
WL water level (survey)
WMF wire mesh fence (survey)
WPF wooden panel fence (survey)

Ø diameter

What is FIDIC? 10 Things You Should Know About FIDIC

Abbreviations Used in Quantity Surveying